Strike Will Stop Bunkering in Piraeus on Wednesday

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Wednesday November 6, 2013

A strike will stop some bunkering activities at Greece's port of Piraeus Wednesday, Platts reports.

Labor unions are protesting austerity measures and extra taxes with a 24-hour strike action.

"Refinery loadings will be suspended, and customs will not issue papers... that will postpone same-day deliveries," a source said.

Deliveries scheduled for Wednesday will be delayed, the source said.

"PNO (The Pan-Hellenic Seafarers Union), GSEE (private sector), ADEDY (public sector), schools, hospitals, ships, refineries, banks... everything is going to be in 24-hour strike," another source said.

Traders said cruise ships and passenger ferries, which are exempt from customs, will be able to get fuel despite the strike.

Another 24-hour strike held in July also slowed bunkering activity at the port.