Danish Ferry Operator Chooses Distillates for ECA Compliance

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday January 21, 2014

Danish ferry operator Bornholmstrafikken A/S (Bornholm) will switch to low-sulfur distillates rather than install scrubbers to comply with the new rules taking effect in Emission Control Areas (ECAs) next year, Maritime Denmark reports.

"We have decided that we will switch to low sulfur fuel, because we do not know what to do with, for example Hammerodde when we negotiate new ferry tender in 2017, and therefore do not know whether the investment can pay for itself " said shipping inspector Bent Boris Hansen.

The company operates two fast ferries that already use low-sulfur fuel, so the change would affect only two ships, Hammerodde and Poul Anker.

The company also says it faces expenses to comply with European ballast water cleaning rules for vessels crossing  between Denmark and Sweden.

Hansen said he hopes regional ferry companies may be exempted from the rules.

As the January 2015 start-date for the new 0.10 percent limit on sulfur content moves closer, some companies like DFDS are installing scrubbers, and Frederikshavn Harbour has announced plans to add more diesel storage.