Petrobras Tests B24 Biofuel Blend

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday June 30, 2023

Brazilian state energy producer Petrobras is carrying out tests on a B24 bunker blend.

The firm is testing the biofuel blend on board a vessel chartered by Transpetro and located at the Rio Grande Terminal, it said in an emailed statement on Thursday.

The vessel is owned by Maersk Tankers, and used on cabotage routes along the Brazilian coast.

The firm has bunkered the vessel with about 573,000 litres of the fuel, and will test it over the next few months.

"This test is increasing the number of options we can offer our customers that will allow them to achieve decarbonization and diversify our product portfolio," Mauricio Tolmasquim, director of energy transition and sustainability at Petrobras, said in the statement.

"The marine fuel industry is looking for quick wins that we can provide."