Petrobras Wins Brazilian Government Approval to Sell B24 Biofuel Bunker Blends

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday July 16, 2024

Energy producer Petrobras has received permissions from the Brazilian government to sell biofuel bunker blends.

The company is the first in the country to receive authorisation from the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels to sell B24 biofuel blends, it said in a statement on its website last week.

The firm's biofuel comes with ISCC EU certification.

The authorisation follows months of tests at sea.

"The results indicated that there were no atypical occurrences in the operation of the ships' engines nor the fuel treatment systems (centrifuges and filters), confirming the operational and commercial viability of Petrobras' renewable content bunker," the company said in the statement.