NYK Completes Another Biofuel Bunker Trial

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday July 10, 2023

NYK has added to its growing list of successful biofuel bunker trials.

The firm noted that its most recent biofuel stem marked the first time an oceangoing vessel operated by NYK had lifted biodiesel fuel in Japan.

The Daio Austral, operated by NYK and carrying wood chips for the Daio Paper Corporation, took on a biofuel bunker blend at Kinuura on June 22 before completing its voyage to Vietnam, NYK said in a statement on its website on Friday.

Toyota Tsusho Marine Fuel Corporation supplied the fuel.

"From fiscal 2019 to fiscal 2022, the NYK Group successfully conducted test voyages using biofuels on seven oceangoing vessels, mainly bulk carriers and two tugboats," NYK said in a statement.

"In fiscal 2023, the NYK Group aims to conduct test voyages on multiple ships, and this trial was completed with the cooperation of Daio Paper Corporation.

"NYK will continue to actively introduce biofuels and other next-generation fuels to promote decarbonization in marine transportation."

Recent biofuel trials involving NYK include an NYK vessel chartered by UECC that lifted a biofuel blend in May, and NYK vessel Lycaste Peace that lifted biofuel in February as part of a Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation (GCMD) led four-month trial of biofuel bunker blends in Singapore