Frateill Cosulich Orders Methanol Bunker Tanker

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday January 15, 2024

Italian shipping and bunkering group Fratelli Cosulich has ordered a methanol bunker tanker for delivery in the last quarter of next year.

The ship will be based in Singapore and chartered to TFG Marine; Fratelli Cosulich Bunkers Singapore will oversee the vessel's technical management and operations for TFG Marine, according to a statement posted on the latter's website.

The dual-fuel chemical bunker tanker has  8,000 cubic metres (m3) capacity with cargo tanks coated to enable it to carry green methanol and biofuels.

"The vessel has been designed to our technical specifications, including stringent safety considerations, so that it can be continually powered by methanol," said Kenneth Dam, TFG Marine's global head of bunkering.

"We believe in a multi-fuel future and this is an additional important step by our group in that direction," head of business development at Fratelli Cosulich Group Guido Cardullo added.

Fratelli Cosulich's second LNG bunker vessel was launched in China last year.