Berge Bulk Looks to Wind-assist Tech to cut Emissions

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday October 17, 2023

Singapore-based Berge Bulk has fitted one of its ships with rigid sails to aid propulsion and save on bunker fuel.

The dry bulk carrier Berge Olympus (pictured) has been equipped with four WindWing units to ply the route between Brazil and China which has favourable wind conditions, according to the company.

Berge said that it is evaluating the potential of installing WindWings on more of its vessels that trade on routes with similar conditions.

The rigid sails are expected to deliver double digit percentrage reduction in fuel usage and carbon dioxide emissions. The four fixed sails are from marine technology firms Bartech and Yara Marine.

Berge Bulk operates an 85-strong fleet and is aiming to become carbon neutral by 2025, it said.