Final LNG Bunkering for NYK Tug Ahead of Ammonia Propulsion Retrofit

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday July 27, 2023

A tugboat operated by Japan's NYK has completed its final bunkering of LNG ahead of a conversion to run on ammonia.

The tug Sakigake, operating in Tokyo Bay, completed its last LNG bunkering on Tuesday, NYK said in a statement on its website on Wednesday.

The vessel will be converted to ammonia propulsion over the course of fiscal 2023 before being recommissioned the following year. The firm first announced plans for the retrofit in August.

"The NYK Group will continue to promote the further development of an energy shift to next-generation fuels such as ammonia in the Group's aim to achieve low-carbonization and decarbonization in the maritime industry," the company said in the statement.