Itochu to Plough on With Ammonia Safety Study

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday September 25, 2023

Japanese trading house Itochu is to study the safety aspects of ammonia as bunker fuel focusing on operations in port, the company has said.

The move announced at the same time as plans to develop an ammonia supply point at the Spanish port of Algericas is a joint-initiative.

"Through this cooperation, well-known companies and organizations will come together to discuss and study safety issues during ammonia bunkering of a container carrier that uses ammonia as a main fuel," the company said on its website.

The issue of safety in ammonia use for ships and this study -- Joint Study of Ammonia Bunkering Safety for an Ammonia-fueled Container Carrier (MOU for Ammonia Bunkering Safety for Container Carrier) -- falls under an existing framework to get a better understanding of the safety issues associated with the alternative bunker fuel's operation.

The joint study will have as a focus "the safety assessment for simultaneous operations of container cargo operations and ammonia bunkering in a container terminal".

Working cargo while bunkering "is generally required for container carriers to achieve operational efficiencies", the trading house said.