Bunker Firm Baseblue Appoints Head of Alternative Fuels

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday January 26, 2024

Global marine fuel supplier and trading firm Baseblue has appointed its first head of alternative fuels.

Dionysis Diamantopoulos has been appointed Baseblue's head of alternative fuels as of this month, the company said in a LinkedIn post on Friday.

DIamantopoulos has worked for Baseblue and its predecessor company, BMS United, since June 2019, serving most recently as a key account analyst in Piraeus.

"As a company that understands the importance of adapting to changes within the shipping industry, especially with the shift towards alternative fuels, we are proud to have Dionysis take on this important role," Baseblue said in the post.

"He has demonstrated unparalleled dedication and expertise throughout his career with us, rising from a trader to a key account analyst and now to this pivotal role.

"Dionysis's knowledge of alternative fuels will be critical to shaping our strategic direction in this area.

"He has a remarkable track record of developing innovative solutions that contribute to reducing environmental impact, which in turn benefits our clients.

"With exceptional analytical abilities, he is well-equipped to oversee all aspects of our alternative fuel initiatives."