Wind-Assisted Propulsion Firm Wins £2.2 Million UK Grant
An engineering start-up developing a wind-assisted propulsion technology has won £2.2 million in funding from the UK government.
Bristol-based WingTek has won the innovation grant from the UK Department for Transport's Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition, it said in an emailed statement on Tuesday.
The company is set to built two full-sized operational prototypes of its WingTek WingSail using the grant, one for long-term testing on shore and the second to be installed on a commercial UK vessel for sea trials.
"Any reduction in this colossal fuel consumption has immediate benefits," Neil Richards, managing director of WingTek, said in the statement.
"The commercial and environmental value of adding WingTek Wingsails is evident – on routes such as the North Atlantic and the North Sea, the savings can be substantial and rise significantly when used in conjunction with weather routing."