Bunker Supplier ScanOcean Opens New Office in Gothenburg

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday November 30, 2023

Marine fuel supplier ScanOcean has opened an office in Gothenburg and hired two new executives.

The new office will have a particular focus on solutions for compliance with the European Union's emissions trading system for shipping, the company said in a LinkedIn post this week.

Lars Lövsund has joined the company as business development manager in Gothenburg, concentrating on emissions allowance sourcing for ship owners and charterers.

"The Gothenburg area is at the heart of Swedish shipping, and having a presence there is crucial for the development of our business," Jonatan Karlström, managing director of ScanOcean, said in the post.

"We are thrilled to have Lars on board, bringing with him a wealth of knowledge and experience from TSA.

"With Lars joining the team, we will be even better equipped to navigate our business and create new and enhanced products and services for our customers."

The firm has also hired Johan Wennerholm as its back-office manager.