Unifeeder Takes on B100 Biofuel at Rotterdam

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday February 8, 2022

Short-sea shipping company Unifeeder has taken on a 100% biofuel bunker blend at Rotterdam.

The company's feeder vessel the Elbsummer recently bunkered 400mt of B100 biofuel from VARO at Rotterdam, Unifeeder said in a statement on its website on Tuesday. The ship had previously tried out a 50% biofuel blend in September.

"Being able to operate our vessels on 100% biofuel is a true game-changer and a major stepping stone on Unifeeder's journey towards net-zero emissions," Hans Staal, director of fuel supply at Unifeeder, said in the statement.

"We applaud the support and constructive approach seen from the vessel's owners, Elbdeich Reederei, and look forward to implementing biofuels on many other vessels in our fleet during 2022."