Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement Joins SEA-LNG

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday August 8, 2024

Maritime solutions provider Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement has joined LNG bunker industry body SEA-LNG.

The company will seek to use its membership to advance LNG-related projects, SEA-LNG said in an emailed statement.

The firm has more than 100 gas carriers under management, over half of which are LNG carriers, and it manages almost 30 LNG-fuelled ships and two LNG bunker delivery vessels.

"BSM joining represents a significant milestone for SEA-LNG," Peter Keller, chairman of SEA-LNG, said in the statement.

"We welcome our first ship manager into the coalition, adding valuable insight and many years of experience in LNG as a marine fuel.

"BSM has been at the forefront of using LNG operationally for decades, with no major safety incidents in port or at sea, ensuring safe operations for seafarers today."