New Report Assesses Best Alt Fuel Routes for Shipping

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday March 7, 2022

A report on new fuels from Low Carbon GIA, an industry-focused green lobby grouping, has looked at sustainability and life cycle in marine fuel.

The study done by Ricardo Energy & Environment covers emissions from two routes, Well-to-tank and Tank-to-wake.

Three fuel pathways -- synthetic methane, ammonia and biodiesel -- are evaluated in the report for differences in methodology, use of calculation methods and tools.

The most significant differences in the methodology comparisons were found to be around co-product allocation, land use change, grid electricity and calculation of the global warming potential impact.

"The information in the report is expected to assist International Maritime Organisation (IMO) member states and the maritime industry in gaining a better understanding of the environmental impacts of alternative fuel options for the sector," according to the IMO

Low Carbon GIA refers to the Global Industry Alliance to Support Low Carbon Shipping which is a partnership under the IMO-Norway GreenVoyage2050 project,