World News
BW LPG Orders Three More Gas Carrier LPG Propulsion Retrofits
Ship operator BW LPG has decided to retrofit three more of its very large gas carriers (VLGCs) to run on LPG, according to engineering company Wärtsilä.
Wärtsilä will provide the LPG fuel supply system for the ships, it said in a statement on its website Monday.
BW ordered four VLGC LPG retrofits in 2018, and an additional eight in February of this year. The three additional retrofits are due to be carried out at either the end of 2021 or the beginning of 2022, and will take the company's LPG-powered fleet to 15 ships.
"BW LPG took the first step to invest in pioneering propulsion technology based on excellent test results," Pontus Berg, executive vice president for technical and operation at BW LPG, said in the statement.
"Subsequent strong performance of the Wärtsilä technology has exceeded our expectations, and we have proceeded to equip our fleet with the LFSS as an important step in our commitment towards fewer emissions, bigger savings, and also a large step towards zero-carbon propulsion."