Time is Now to Get ISCC Certified to Supply Biofuel Bunkers: Envirosense

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday September 26, 2024

The time is now for bunker suppliers to take advantage of the rising interest in biofuels and get themselves ISCC certification to supply the products, says Jack Symonds, Associate Director at EnviroSense International Limited (EnviroSense).

"There certainly are a growing number of companies who already have ISCC or are in the process of getting ISCC so they can proceed to supply biofuels," Symonds told Ship & Bunker ahead of the upcoming Marine Fuels Alliance (MFA) Bunker Workshop and Dinner.

"Yet we see other companies who have not even started the process. My question to them would be, why not?

"With the growing interest in biofuels now, and growing need for these fuels in the near future, the implications of not being ISCC certified could be substantial, including loss of trade and clients."

As vessel owners look to reduce emissions in line with not only IMO targets but now EU ETS requirements, biofuels are a rapidly growing option for vessel owners and operators as they are one of the few viable options that reduce net emissions today without requiring modifications to the ship.

However, biofuel is a generic term that includes a number of biomass energy products with varying environmental impact.

ISCC certification ensures the biofuel bunkers being sold meet essential criteria including being sustainable and traceable - key factors given the increasing scrutiny over vessel emissions and compliance.

"It is essential companies know what to do, how to do it, and where they can get assistance. This is a key moment in time for them and suppliers do not want to risk falling behind the curve," Symonds added.

"Helping bunker companies get ISCC is one of the reasons Envirosense is involved in the MFA and we have already supported members with resources and certification."

Industry stakeholders are set to further discuss ISCC certification as part of the decarbonization focus area at the upcoming MFA Bunker Workshop and Dinner being held in collaboration with Ship & Bunker in London on Thursday October 3, 2024.

The event is open to all in the industry.

Symonds will be taking part as a Discussion Lead for decarbonization.

To learn more about the event and join the discussion by booking your attendance, please visit: https://marinefuelsalliance.com/events/bunker-workshop-dinner/