Port of Antwerp-Bruges Launches Methanol-Fuelled Tugboat

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday May 16, 2024

The Port of Antwerp-Bruges has launched what is billed as the world's first methanol-fuelled tugboat.

The 30mĀ MethatugĀ was launched on Tuesday, the port authority said in an emailed statement.

The vessel can carry up to 12,000 litres of methanol, enough for two weeks of tug work.

De Wit Bunkering will supply the tug with methanol in truck-to-ship operations at the Belgian hub.

"Together with our partners, we are pioneering with innovative technologies for the transition to alternative and renewable energy sources," Jacques Vandermeiren, CEO of the Port of Antwerp-Bruges, said in the statement.

"The Methatug is a new and essential step in our efforts to make our own fleet greener and become climate neutral by 2050.

"Thanks to projects such as this, we are paving the way and hope to be an example and a source of inspiration for other ports."