World News
"K" Line Considering All Options for IMO 2020 Compliance
Japanese shipowner "K" Line says it is considering all options for IMO 2020 compliance.
"We will use low-sulfur fuel, install SOX removal equipment, convert fuel to LNG and otherwise proceed with optimal measures on a ship-by-ship basis," the firm said in its "K" LINE Report 2018 released today.
"We cannot limit ourselves to one particular measure."
Many expect the cost of complying with the 0.50% sulfur cap, which comes into force from January 1, 2020, to be significant.
While "K" Line did not go into specifics, it hinted that it would follow suit with the likes of Maersk and seek to pass this cost onto its customers.
"Implementing environmental measures will entail large costs, but it is important to take action without delay by sharing the burden fairly among beneficiaries," it said.