Sumitomo Corporation Appoints Manager to Lead US LNG and Ammonia Bunkering

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday July 1, 2024

Japan's Sumitomo Corporation has relocated one of its managers to lead LNG and ammonia bunkering projects in the US.

Yosuke Kuroki has been appointed senior manager for LNG and ammonia bunkering in the US as of this month, he said in a LinkedIn post on Monday.

The new manager will be responsible for LNG bunkering at Baltimore and Norfolk, as well as ammonia bunkering at Jacksonville, Savannah, Benicia and Oakland.

Kuroki has worked for the Sumitomo Corporation since April 2011, serving previously as a manager in Tokyo covering LNG and ammonia bunkering, trading and business development.

TheĀ American Bureau of Shipping, CALAMCO, Fleet Management Ltd, Sumitomo Corporation and TOTE Services announced in April that they were carrying out a feasibility study into setting up ammonia bunkering atĀ Oakland and Benicia.