VISWALAB: Update on Houston Bunker Fuel Problems

by Viswa Group
Monday July 17, 2023

Viswa has conducted thorough investigations into fuel pump problem samples bunkered in Houston, and we would like to provide a more detailed update on these fuel pump issues.

All three samples originated from a single supplier. The vessel experienced fuel pump malfunctions and corrosion problems. These fuels have a high sediment content and demonstrate poor storage stability properties. Through GCMS-CRA analysis of these samples, we identified the presence of various compounds, including 2-Ethylhexanol, DHDCPD, Tetrahydro-DCPD, Tetrachloroethylene, and Ethylene glycol, each at different levels. While DHDCPD and Tetrahydro-DCPD showed the highest concentrations, it is important to note that we have tested other VLSFOs with high concentrations of these compounds, and they did not result in any issues.

The recent Houston bunker fuel problem case was specifically associated with samples containing the combination of contaminants mentioned above. At elevated temperatures within the fuel pump, a chemical reaction between the Glycol compounds and DCPD compounds can occur, leading to the formation of polyester compounds. The presence of these components in bunker fuel can accelerate corrosion of fuel system components, resulting in equipment damage, leaks, and potential safety hazards.

Furthermore, we would like to highlight that we received reports of similar fuel pump issues from Singapore and Houston ports last year. These cases also involved the same set and combination of contaminants: 2-Ethylhexanol, DHDCPD, Tetrahydro-DCPD, Tetrachloroethylene, and Ethylene glycol.

To safeguard the machinery and the vessel, we highly recommend utilizing the VLSFO POMP (Peace of Mind Package). This comprehensive package includes long-term storage stability assessment as well as a GCMS screening test which can detect the presence of at least 16 compounds. By proactively implementing this solution, you can identify potential issues and take appropriate measures to prevent fuel pump problems.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you require any further information or assistance.