Bunker One Brazil Seeks to Promote B7 Biofuel Blend

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday January 31, 2022

Marine fuel supplier Bunker One's Brazil operation is seeking to encourage the use of B7 biofuel blends more widely in the shipping industry.

The latest ISO 8217 specifications allow biofuel content of up to 7% in conventional marine fuels. Bunker One Brazil is seeking to promote the use of blends with 7% biofuel content as a means of cutting the shipping industry's emissions and taking advantage of Brazilian biodiesel production, price reporting agency Argus Media cited the company's chief executive, Flavio Ribeiro, as saying in an interview last week.

The company is soon to begin trials of biodiesel blends on one of its barges in Rio, and has received some interest from shipping firms looking to carry out their own tests.

"The shipping industry is focused on reducing emissions and Brazil has surplus capacity for biodiesel production," Argus cited Ribeiro as saying.

"As part of the largest conglomerate in this industry in the world, we see potential."