Japan's MOL Orders Two LNG-Fuelled Ferries

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday February 17, 2022

MOL subsidiary MOL Ferry Co has ordered two new vessels capable of running on natural gas.

The company has ordered the ships from Nakai Zosen Corporation, it said in a statement on its website on Thursday. The ferries are due for delivery in 2025, and will operate on the Oarai-Tomakomai route.

The two new ships will follow the arrival of the Sunflower Kurenai and the Sunflower Murasaki, Japan's first LNG-fuelled ferries, in 2023.

"The new ferries will reduce CO2 emissions by about 35% in comparison with ferries currently in service, by adopting the latest technologies," the company said in the statement.

"The MOL Group will reduce environmental impact by introducing the next-generation super eco ferries."