Japan: Passenger Ship Kitted out with Fuel Cells, Bio-diesel Generators

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday November 10, 2023

A maritime hydrogen fuel cell system made by a Japanese technology firm has been supplied to a passenger ship in Japan.

Yanmar Power Technology delivered the kit to the Hanaria, a ship operated by Motena-sea.

This vessel has an onboard electric propulsion system using generated electricity. The system comprises two hydrogen fuel cells, batteries, biodiesel generators, a power management system, propulsion equipment and remote monitoring, the company said on its website.

When the ship is running on its hydrogen fuel cell system and batteries,  there are "zero emissions, with notable reductions in power source vibrations and noise, and the elimination of exhaust gas odors", according to Yanmar.

Fuel-cell driven vessels typically run between two set points allowing for charging at either end of the journey. The technology is suited to ferries and is being taken up by river and seaboard cities as a zero-emission option for urban passenger transport.