Sohar Port and Freezone Issues Tender for New Bunkering Terminal

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday September 19, 2024

Sohar Port and Freezone has issued a tender for investment in a new bunkering terminal.

The authority is inviting expressions of interest in the project from qualified and experienced entities, it said in a note on its website on Thursday. No further information is provided on the nature of the project, beyond it being for a petrochemical bunkering terminal.

Applicants have until October 15 to notify the port's procurements and contracts department of their interest.

"The SIPC Procurement and Contracts Department will provide the interested companies only with the investment opportunity documents," the authority said.

"The documents will include a brief of the opportunity and summary of the technical requirements of this investment opportunity.

"The EOI will provide a guidelines for companies to submit their non-binding technical proposals only.

"No financial proposals are expected at this stage."

Interest is growing in Sohar as a new bunkering hub in the Middle East. Earlier this year TFG Marine announced its first physical supply operation in the Middle East would be at Sohar.