Spanish Ports Set to See Strike Action by Trade Unions This Month
The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) has announced that, in response to Spanish government plans to reform the country's port system, Spain's trade unions are set to strike on February 20, 22, and 24.
"We understand from our Spanish affiliate unions that they have been told by the government that it intends to approve a law which seeks to aggressively and destructively liberalise the port labour market," explained ITF president and dockers' section chair, Paddy Crumlin.
"The Spanish government is acting beyond sense and potentially beyond international law. Thankfully Spanish unions are mobilising to resist its determination to wreck social partnership in its ports. They are absolutely assured of our international support."
At this stage, it is unclear what, if any, impacts will be felt on the regional bunkering market as a result of the strike action.
ITF has issued a call, urging the government to scrap its current proposal and engage in negotiations.