OCI Global and TankMatch Make Methanol Bunker Delivery at Rotterdam

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday August 5, 2024

OCI Global and TankMatch have carried out a delivery of green methanol bunkers at Rotterdam.

The firms bunkered the container ship Eco Maestro at Rotterdam on July 28, TankMatch said in a LinkedIn post on Sunday.

TankMatch used its barge the MTS Experience for the operation.

"This is in collaboration with OCI Global and X-press feeders at the ECT delta terminal," the company said in the post.

"The vessel Eco Maestro is X-Press Feeders' first dual-fuel green methanol-powered vessel.

"The green Methanol was supplied by OCI Fuels."

Rotterdam saw a total of 950 mt of green methanol bunker deliveries in the second quarter, according to the latest data from the port.