MMT's FuelOpt Technology Allows Ships to Arrive on Time

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday August 20, 2024

Using technology to improve vessel performance and reduce emissions is the goal of three companies, Preem Shipping, Sirius Shipping and Manta Marine Technologies.

Two Sirius newbuildings are to have MMT's FuelOpt system installed. The ships, which are Evolution 15,000 deadweight tonne product/chemical tankers, will be chartered to Preem

According to MMT, the technology allows the ships to adjust sped and voyage instructions to make a just-in-time arrival at their destinations. Trimming unnecessary operational speed translates into less emissions.

"Vessels are unlikely to use more fuel than is necessary by minimising the likelihood of an early arrival at the next port of call and necessitating wait times," it said in a statement.

Increasing fleet efficiency through applied technology is a recognised pathway for the maritime sector to reduce its greenhouse gas output.