Europe: Weak Demand Signals Hinder Marine E-fuel Projects

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday June 3, 2024

Lack of demand signals from ship operators and fuel suppliers is holding back investment in e-fuels for shipping,  a new study has found.

According to the research, the potential for up to 4% of European shipping to switch to green e-fuels by the end of the decade is in danger of being lost.

"Fuel suppliers appear to be reluctant to commit financially to projects without more guarantees that there will be demand for these fuels in the near future," according to the Transport & Environment study.

Some 17 projects across Europe have been set up to provide hydrogen-based e-fuels for ships.

"If all of these become operational, they could meet nearly 4% of EU shipping's total energy demand by 2030."

The research found 44 other hydrogen projects in Europe that could also provide green fuels for ships.

"The mapped projects would easily meet the European Union's target of 2% green e-fuels in 2034," the study said.

However, not a single shipping-dedicated project is operational. "Fuel producers cite a lack of buyer certainty and investment security as major obstacles, " it added.