Canada Launches $65M Marine Biofuels Project

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Wednesday February 9, 2022

A consortium of players in Canada today launched a new $65 million marine biofuels project that seeks to develop renewable diesel from agricultural and forestry by-products.

The so-called Ocean Supercluster group working on the project are Valent Low Carbon Technologies, FORGE Hydrocarbons, Mara Renewables, Clearwater, Katal Energy, Horizon Maritime, and Sustainable Development Technology Canada.

Ocean Supercluster will provide nearly $5.7 million with the balance coming from the project's industry and government partners.

"The key to wide-spread adoption of renewable fuel in the marine sector is abundant renewable feedstock and a way to convert that feedstock into a fungible, low-carbon liquid fuel," said Tim Haig, Founder and CEO, FORGE Hydrocarbons.

"The funding from the Ocean Supercluster enables our consortium to shape the Canadian Maritimes into a global leader in low-carbon marine fuel production."

Biofuels are an increasingly popular choice for marine shipping players looking to reduce their carbon footprint as the 'drop in' nature of the bunkers mean they can be used seamlessly alongside their fossil counterparts with no modification required to the vessel.

Many major shipowners have recently successfully completed biofuel trials, prompting Oldendorff in January to conclude it was time to study whether there were any potential long-term effects on engine operation, performance, and stability of the fuel blends.