Key Miami Bunker Storage Facility up for Sale

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday June 20, 2024

The main bunker storage facility serving Miami's suppliers is reportedly up for sale.

Denver-based TransMontaigne Partners has put up its Fisher Island fuel depot up for sale, real estate news publication The Real Deal reported.

The company acquired the facility in 2003.

The site, off the coast of Miami Beach, may be of interest to developers seeking to built luxury development property. But the facility is also a significant piece of infrastructure for the Miami bunker market, serving the cruise industry's fuel needs in particular.

"It is the only large terminal facility in the Miami area for bunkers," a local market source told Ship & Bunker on Tuesday.

The facility is likely to continue being used for fossil fuel storage until at least 2027 even under a new owner, according to the report.