Centerline Logistics, Vard Marine to Design LNG Bunker Barge

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Wednesday February 9, 2022

US-based Centerline Logistics and naval architects Vard Marine are set to work together to design a new LNG bunker delivery vessel.

The two firms have signed a letter of intent to design a 6,000 m3 articulated tug and LNG bunker barge, Centerline said in a statement on its website on Tuesday. The vessel will be Jones Act-compliant, and is expected to enter service in 2024.

"These are exciting times for LNG as a marine fuel," Darren Truelock, vice president of operations at Vard US, said in the statement.

"We are honoured to support Centerline to further a more flexible and sustainable LNG marine bunkering infrastructure here in the US."