New Shell LNG Bunker Barge Completes First Supply Operation

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday August 29, 2024

Shell's newest LNG bunker delivery vessel has completed its first supply operation.

The company used the Progress to bunker the 15,000 TEU boxship Zim Mount Vision at Savannah last week, Shell said in a LInkedIn post.

The ship subsequently bunkered the CMA CGM Symi this week.

The delivery vessel -- the largest Jones Act LNG bunker barge -- was delivered earlier this month.

"The Elba LNG liquefaction plant that produced the LNG for these operations also serves as a key LNG supply hub for many of our U.S. bunkering locations," the company said in the post.

"Connected to the U.S. gas grid and several bio-methane plants, the ISCC-certified Elba plant is well-positioned to enable bio-LNG bunkering and help our customers meet their carbon intensity reduction requirements."