Brazil's Petrobras is 'Fully Capable' of Meeting VLSFO Demand: Company

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday March 9, 2020

Brazilian oil producer Petrobras is "fully capable" of meeting domestic very low sulfur fuel oil (VLSFO) demand, despite several fuel oil non-availability reports (FONARs) being submitted to the IMO earlier this year mentioning a lack of supplies in the country.

Last week Ship & Bunker reported that of 35 FONARs submitted to the IMO for January, six mentioned not being able to source compliant fuel at Brazilian ports.

But these FONARs "refer to ports where Petrobras does not operate, with the exception of one," a spokesman for the company told Ship & Bunker by email Friday.

"In this specific case, Petrobras offered the client alternative ports that were not accepted.

"Petrobras makes it clear that it is fully capable of meeting a demand for VLSFO higher than that observed on the Brazilian coast and still exporting considerable volumes of low sulfur fuel oils, as it has been doing.

"The company also reinforces that the bunker prices practiced in Brazilian ports are competitive and are in line with the main international ports."