Monthly Bunker Sales Climb at Singapore Year-On-Year

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday October 13, 2017

Total monthly bunker sales at Singapore rose in September compared to the same month a year ago.

September sales volume at the Southeast Asian shipping and oil trading hub was 4,341,000 metric tonnes (mt) compared to 3,831,000 mt over the period, according to port authority figures.

Sales of the key bunker fuel grade 380 centistokes (CST) were up by under a little under half a million mt while marine gasoil sales were down, from 68,600 mt in 2016 to 55,500 mt in September 2017.

August monthly sales of bunker fuel, however, were slightly higher than September's.

Singapore is the biggest bunkering port with annual sales of well over 40 million mt. Last year, the port edged closer to 50 million mt when annual sales reached 48.6 million mt.