Malaysia Arrests Tanker and Boxship for Illegal Anchoring

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday January 31, 2022

Malaysia's authorities have arrested a tanker and a container ship over the weekend for alleged illegal anchoring.

An unloaded Malabo-registered tanker was arrested on Friday at 10:55 AM local time about 8.4 nautical miles to the north-east of Tanjung Penawar, the Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) said in a statement on Saturday. And an Indonesia-registered container ship was detained at 1:33 PM on Saturday about 30.7 nautical miles east of Tanjung Sedili Kechil, the organisation said on Sunday.

Both vessels are accused of anchoring in Malaysian waters without prior permission.

The MMEA has been more active in detaining vessels for similar offences over the past two years.

Malaysia's authorities "will continue to carry out enforcement patrols to ensure the waters of Johor state are preserved," the MMEA said.