Singapore Welcomes First LNG-Fuelled Newcastlemax Bulker

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday February 7, 2022

The world's first LNG-fuelled Newcastlemax bulk carrier has called at Singapore and taken on LNG in the city-state's waters.

The 209,000 DWT bulker Mount Tourmaline took on LNG bunkers on Monday before its maiden voyage, Lynn Loo, CEO of Singapore's Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation, said in a LinkedIn post on Monday.

The vessel is owned by Eastern Pacific Shipping and operated by BHP.

"This bulk carrier is the cleanest in its vessel category today, eliminating SOx, NOx, particulates, and reducing 30% carbon emissions when burning LNG," Loo said.

"This afternoon, after its bunkering is complete in Singapore, it will set sail for Port Hedland, a maiden journey that will take five days."

Singapore started recording LNG bunker sales for the first time last year, noting about 50,000 mt of deliveries.