MOL Tries Out Biofuel on Bunker Delivery Vessel

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Wednesday February 9, 2022

Shipping company MOL has started to trial a biofuel blend on board one of its bunker delivery vessels.

The company has successfully operated the bunkering vesselĀ Techno Star, owned by subsidiary MOL Techno-Trade, on a biodiesel blend, it said in a statement on its website on Wednesday. The blend contained more than 30% biofuel, a first in Japan.

"The MOL Group set a target of achieving net zero GHG emissions by 2050 in "MOL Group Environmental Vision 2.1" announced in June 2021," the company said in the statement.

"It calls for an initiative on "Adoption of Clean Alternative Fuels" to achieve this target, positioning biomass as an effective alternative to fossil fuels.

"The group works continually not only to reduce GHG emissions from its own operations, but also to meet the demands by customers and society at large to protect the global environment."