Singapore's GCMD on LNG: Don't Let the Perfect Be the Enemy of the Good

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday February 17, 2022

Singapore's Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation has lent its qualified support to LNG bunkering as a means of reducing shipping's carbon emissions in the face of opposition from environmental groups.

Responding to NGO T&E's warning on Wednesday over LNG's growing share of the marine energy mix, the organisation said LNG had a role to play in cutting emissions.

"We should not let the perfect become the enemy of the good," Lynn Loo, CEO of the GCMD, said in a LinkedIn post on Thursday.

"Fuel switching to LNG -- yes, provided we avoid methane leaks and slippage along the way -- can help us reduce up to 30% carbon emissions, and it is something we can start doing today.

"Green fuels will unlikely be available at meaningful scales by 2030.

"The shipping sector cannot afford to wait for a silver bullet to meet its decarbonisation goals. We need to take action now, all while progressing green fuels development and deployment."

Singapore launched LNG bunkering last year, noting 50,000 mt of sales for 2021 as a whole.