Asia/Pacific News
Dates Set for SIBCON 2024 Bunkering Event
The dates have been set for 2024's biannual SIBCON bunkering event in Singapore, the world's largest marine fuels event.
The event's 23rd incarnation will be held from October 8-10 in Singapore, its organisers said in an emailed noted on Tuesday.
The event is arranged by the Maritime and Port Authority, with a steering committee of senior decision-makers from the industry, and in 2022 saw more than 1,800 participants gathering.
"The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore is pleased to announce that the 23rd Singapore International Bunkering Conference and Exhibition (SIBCON) is scheduled to return from 8 to 10 October 2024 in Singapore," the organisers said.
The organisers have set up a survey for feedback on the event. To participate in the survey, click here.