Taiwanese Liner Operators Shell out on Fleet Growth

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday August 13, 2024

Taiwanese box ship operator Yang Ming is to add to its fleet expansion plan with two 11,000 twenty foot equivalent ships. The company has previously acquired five 14,000 teu and three 11,000 teu ships.

The move, undertaken with other shipping companies, will "strengthen service competitiveness and streamline fleet resources".

In addition, the firm said that the acquisitions "will help address emission reduction requirements and provide flexibility for future environmental retrofitting needs".

Yang Ming will continue its fleet optimization plan with energy-efficient and alternative-fuel-powered vessels to support the company's mid- to long-term business development," the company said in a statement.

The other shipping company involved in buying ships is Wan Hai Lines, according to the Journal of Commerce.

Both firms have posted positive, half-year results and the estimated price tag on the new and second-hand ships is $2.5 billion. The Wan Hai Lines dual-fuel buys are to be powered by methanol, according to maritime news provider Tradewinds.