Fire Reported on Two Tankers After Collision Near Singapore

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday July 19, 2024

Fires have been reported on two tankers after a collision near Singapore.

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore was alerted to the fires, on board the Singapore-flagged tanker Hafnia Nile and the São Tomé and Príncipe-flagged tanker Ceres I, at about 6:15 AM local time on Friday, it said in a statement on its website.

The ships were about 55 km north-east of Pedra Blanca.

"The Company's primary focus at this time is the well-being of our crew members, as well as addressing any potential environmental impact resulting from this incident," Hafnia said in a statement on its website.

"A full investigation will be conducted to determine the root cause of the incident."

Two seafarers on board the Hafnia Nile suffered minor injuries.

The Ceres I has in the past been involved in carrying crude from Iran, according to media reports. Ships in the so-called 'dark fleet' engaged covertly in this kind of trade have faced criticism in recent months over their safety records and insurance status.

"MPA has requested passing vessels to assist in the search and rescue of the crew," the MPA said.

"A Republic of Singapore Navy ship, RSS Supreme, which is in vicinity of the incident is providing assistance. Currently, a Republic of Singapore Air Force helicopter has also been despatched and is assisting with evacuating the crew.

"More updates will be provided when available."