Royal Navy's Fuel Suppliers to Strike Over Pay

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday August 2, 2024

Officers from the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, the logistics arm of the UK's Royal Navy, are set to go on strike later this month.

RFA officers represented by Nautilus International will go on strike later this month over pay, the trade union said in a statement on its website on Thursday.

The strike will take place on August 15.

"Despite early engagement with the Ministry of Defence post the general election, we are yet to receive a new and improved pay offer for our members," Martyn Gray, director of organising at Nautilus International, said in the statement.

"This is unacceptable and leaves us no option but to escalate from action short of strike to full strike action.

"Our message is simple – to avoid disruption at the RFA, which is vital to the UK's naval capabilities, we need a pay offer that reflects the high rate of inflation and a pathway to pay restoration.

"We remain committed to working with government to achieve that."

The RFA is a uniformed civilian branch of the Royal Navy, staffed by British merchant sailors.