Sohar Biofuel Bunkering Expansion Follows First Delivery by Hormuz Marine

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday June 4, 2024

Biofuel bunkering for tugboats operating in Sohar port is to form part of its transition to green mobility.

Following trials, tugboats in the Omani port will bunker B20 biofuel blends, a mix of one fifth biofuel to four fifths MGO.

Use of biofuel for these vessels will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from port operations. Oman is seeking to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

"Implementing biofuel in our marine operation will significantly reduce SOHAR Port's scope on emissions and keep us firmly on the path to support Oman's wider environmental vision on the path to net zero," said Emile Hoogsteden, Sohar port's chief executive.

A trial biofuel blend delivery was made at the port late last year. Bunker supplier Hormuz Marine made the first delivery of a B20 blend in Oman in October, a company representative told Ship & Bunker.

"We are thrilled to report that the operation of delivering B20 blend biofuel was successfully delivered, marking the first time this has happened in Oman," Sulaiman Al-Hadhrami, CEO of Hormuz Marine, told Ship & Bunker.

"We at Hormuz Marine consider this to be a major accomplishment that demonstrates our dedication to offering environmentally friendly and sustainable bunkering solutions to our clients."