Clean Shipping Coalition Urges IMO Action on GHG Levy, Global Fuel Standard and CII

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday September 23, 2024

Maritime non-governmental organisation Clean Shipping Coalition has urged shipping's governing body, the International Maritime Organisation, to take action on all three parts of its strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from ships.

The call comes ahead of the intersessional working group or reducing GHG emissions from ships meeting this week and the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC82) meeting the following week at the IMO in London.

The ngo wants to see movement on the Cabon Intensity Indicator (CII) revision, the Global Fuel Standard (GFS) and a GHG levy.

"These two weeks present a unique moment for the IMO to demonstrate that it is serious about meeting its own new IMO GHG Strategy targets - which means taking action on all three of these fronts," said CSC president Delaine McCullough in a statement.

For the GHG levy, the coalition favours of a universal charge.

"A levy of $150/ton of GHG emissions, as proposed by a group of Pacific Island and Caribbean states, would disencourage the consumption of polluting fuels and generate revenues," said Bastien Bonnet-Catalloube, who is aviation and shipping specialist at CSC member organisation Carbon Market Watch.

"It would also reinforce the CII and the GFS, by driving early investments in energy efficiency and wind technologies and spur the development and deployment of zero-emission fuels," he added.

CSC has observer status at IMO where it submits papers and lobbies for environmental change in the martime sector.