UK Launches £206 Million Maritime Decarbonisation Initiative

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday March 10, 2022

The UK government is set to put £206 million of funding towards a new maritime decarbonisation programme.

The UK Shipping Office for Reducing Emissions (UK SHORE) will aim to accelerate research and development for clean maritime technologies, the UK Department for Transport said in a statement on its website on Thursday.

The new office will work in partnership with industry to develop British shipbuilding, according to the statement.

"UK SHORE will also help develop the infrastructure to enable zero emission technologies and the physical infrastructure needed to power these new-age vessels," the ministry said in the statement.

"The programme will include a multitude of technologies including hydrogen, electric and ammonia, and this funding will place the UK among the leading nations in the development of new and innovative vessels and port infrastructure, supporting its rich maritime industry and coastal communities."

More details about the funding will be announced in the coming months.