IMO Sec-gen Says 'Urgent Need' for Interim Safety Guidelines for Ships Using Ammonia/Hydrogen

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday September 16, 2024

Work on producing safety guidelines for alternative bunker fuels is expected to be finalised as the sub-committee on carriage of cargoes and containers convenes at International Maritime Organisation headquarters this week.

Opening the sub-committee's proceedings, IMO secretary-general Arsenio Dominguez said it has been playing "a vital part in the development of technical provisions for alternative fuels and related technologies".

"Taking into account last week's tremendous work done last week work of the Intersessional Working Group on Development of Technical Provisions for Safety of Ships using Alternative Fuels, you are expected to finalize the interim guidelines for the safety of ships using hydrogen and ammonia as fuel, at this session," Dominguez said.

And he added that the fact that maritime industry has an "urgent need" to start using these fuels should be "borne in mind".

While liquified natural gas has established itself as a front runner in terms of take up by shipping companies keen to transition away from traditional heavy fuel oil, alternative fuels such as ammonia still have some way to go.

Speaking to Ship & Bunker in May, Bjarne Foldager of engine manufacturer Man Energy Solutions, said that he didn't see a problem with the specifications for ammonia as bunker fuel but had concerns over the formulation of safety standards. In particular, he highlighted the need for exactness on the location of ventilation systems and sensors to monitior toxicity levels.