Weekly Vessel Scrapping Report 2025: Week 11

by VesselsValue.com
Thursday March 20, 2025

As a credit manager, the last thing you want to discover when chasing an invoice is the vessel you bunkered 4 weeks ago has just been sold for scrap. And today, the risk of that happening is greater than its ever been. 

To help keep on top of the most recent changes in the world fleet, every week thanks to online maritime intelligence and information service VesselsValue.com, we tell you which vessels have been sold for demolition in the last week.

Demolition Sales  March 13 – March 19, 2025

Sale Date         Sold Name     Vessel Type     Built Date        Seller    
14-03-2025     Sunny Linden     FEEDER     29-03-1995     KMTC    
14-03-2025     Seaworld Marine     RO-LO     08-01-1997     Sea World Express Ferry    
14-03-2025     Run Fu 6     HANDY BULKER     15-11-1995     Zhangjiagang Oceanicwit Shipping    
14-03-2025     Wind Energy     SEMI SUB DRILL RIG     15-11-2010     GMS    
13-03-2025     Moby Dada     CRUISEFERRY     30-03-1981     Moby SPA    
13-03-2025     Atlantic 22     HANDY BULKER     12-05-1994     Undisclosed