February, 2025
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Meanwhile, Saudi crude exports drop in September in line with OPEC cuts.
Oil Steady As Focus Stays On U.S./Russia Talks, Drone Strike Damage
Steve Bee of VPS Group discusses the developments in marine fuel quality in 2024.
VPS: 2024 Marine Bunker Fuels Review
Netherlands-based Frans van Helden has joined VPS as CFO as of this month.
VPS Hires Chief Financial Officer
Ship & Bunker's G20-VLSFO Index lost $0.50/mt to $595/mt on Monday, paring the previous session's $2/mt gain.
BUNKER PRICES: G20-VLSFO Index Slips Despite Rise in Crude
Still, analysts are gloomy about impending market conditions.
Trump-Led Peace Talks, Caspian Drone Strikes Cause Mild Uptick For Oil
Odense-based Christiania Energy was set up last year to cover the needs of Christiania Shipping, and is now seeking to explore pool partnerships, Managing Director Patrick Jørgensen tells Ship & Bunker.
INTERVIEW: Eitzen launches Christiania Energy in Denmark
Although these NGOs mostly oppose crop-based biofuels, the majority of biofuel bunkers supplied to shipping currently are derived from sustainable waste-based feedstocks.
NGOs Call For IMO to Exclude Biofuels from Global Fuel Standard
Ship & Bunker's G20-VLSFO Index gained $2/mt to $595.50/mt on Friday, having reached its lowest level since January 9 the previous day.
BUNKER PRICES: G20-VLSFO Index Advances for First in Three Sessions
The Clean Shipping Coalition says GHG fuel standard and carbon levy should align with the revised CII.
CSC Urges IMO Member States to Align Levy and Fuel Standard with Revised CII
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) argues that a carbon levy provides the best means of shipping decarbonisation.
ICS Sees Growing Support from Member States for Carbon Levy at IMO