Chart Industries Joins Zero-emissions Tech Platform Zesta

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Wednesday May 22, 2024

Cryogenic technology for hydrogen propulsion specialist Chart Industries has become a member of Zesta, the association promoting zero-emission technologies for shipping.

Chart is an experienced operator in the field of cryogenics and liquid hydrogen and has developed air lubrication to reduce fuel consumption and steam turbines for waste heat recovery.

Zesta secretaray-general Madadh MacLaine said in a press statement that hydrogen as a clean bunker fuel would gain in significance as awareness from governments and stakeholders over the link between the health of the oceans and climate grew.

US-based Chart Industries is "an independent global leader in the design, engineering, and manufacturing of process technologies and equipment for gas and liquid molecule handling for the Nexus of Clean™ - clean power, clean water, clean food, and clean industrials, regardless of molecule", according to its website.

First quarter results (1Q24) recorded $300 million gross profit on sales of just under $1 billion

Zesta is a global platform aimed at fostering collaboration between companies to advance sustainable practices across the maritime industry.